Making An Entrance – Perambulating to Point, via Laxdale
My wife Alice is from the Point Peninsula and we lived there for the first eight years of our marriage. I was a dedicated motor-cyclist at this time, and blasting to Stornoway over the mile-long isthmus known as the Braighe was a daily occurrence. Just on the Point side of the Braighe is a croft with Monolithic white gateposts topped with stone doves. As the photo above right shows, these prominent columns are just feet from the road, yet to my shame I never noticed them as I rode by countless times. But there again, neither did anyone else. Point is replete with quirky portological interest; above centre is the first Dormesque Gate that I encountered; it is flanked by a pair of slightly splayed Globals and if you look closely you will see it is made from a wooden bedhead. The transient feline just happened to stroll by. In the picture above left is a classic example of an Incognate Objet Trouvé adorning a Transverse Rotunda. I have not the faintest idea what it is. Alice reckons it is the side of an old-fashioned mangle, but I am not sure. We have been together for 48 years now, so I had better give her the benefit of the doubt.

A colourful Lichenesque Botanic with rotundate moulding.

A meticulously executed objet trouvé moulding (plastic cup) in smart livery.

Pure class! Receptacled Brickette in Wedgewood colours.

Transverse Rotunda with Incognate objet trouvé.

Close-up of the Moulded Avian Bestial.

Ordinaire with a highly interesting Incognate Spine.

These artful Demi-Global Mouldings beautifully match the cottage.

Hooped Botanic with Marine Rockoco trim.

Demi-Aztec Equine Bestial in rampant symmetry.

Note the tonal variations in this Mounded Informal: both interesting and subtle.

Spined Aztec with apertured base enjoys a quiet retirement.

Ordinaire with objet trouvé spines (gutter brackets).

Highly unusual Demi-Cardiac Mouldings.

Sloped and scrolled.

The crisp geometry of these unusual Inverted Pyramidics has been carefully painted. The chamfering and insetting on the basal columns is also unusual and highly original.